Active Directory reset adminCount back to 0

Active Directory reset adminCount back to 0
Introduction The PS code below will find admin accounts in your Active Directory that have an adminCount higher than 0 and reset it back to 0, always verify why the count was increased! Code get-aduser -Filter {admincount -gt 0} -Properties adminCount | Set-Aduser -UserPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName -Replace @{adminCount=0}

How to take ownership of a terminal user folder so you can safely remove it

How to take ownership of a terminal user folder so you can safely remove it
Introduction This was an annoying issue for me to remove the a terminal server user's profile from our file servers. Each time you need to remove an user's folder you get the standard access denied, then you need to change the permissions, inheritance, etc... so to save my colleagues and…